(Powder Massage)

Udwartanam is a traditional combination of herbs and pulses to gently exfolitate and remove dead cells. It is a special therapeutic deep tissue massage using herbal powders. This massage involves upward stroking, where the powder is rubbed forcibly on the body.

The main benefit of the Udvartana is to remove toxins through the skin. However, Ayurveda doctors mainly recommend it for reducing excess cellulite and fat accumulated under the skin. Rubbing herbal powder helps breaking down the cellulite and increases the burning accumulated fat. It also tones the skin and provides strength to the body.


The herbal powder is warmed by heating. The massage is done in the opposite direction to hair follicles by two therapists. The procedure is performed in seven postures. After completion the person is advised to take rest for 30 minutes, followed by a shower with warm water.


  • Reduce fat tissue and weight
  • makes skin radiant and glowing
  • improves skin complexion
  • removes bad body odor
  • removes toxins and cleanses the skin
  • Open up blocked channels
  • Alleviates itching
  • Rejuvenate the skin
  • Cleanse the body pores
  • tones and exfoliate the skin
  • Cellulite Reduction & obesity


  • Obesity
  • Cellulite
  • Skin disease
  • Hemiplegia

DURATION : 45 mins-60 mins