Shirodhara as a treatment that stabilizing the state of mind and body.The procedure consists of a steam of warm medicataed oil nor butter milk or kwatha run continously on the forehead.It infers to dripping or pouring of warm herbal ayurvedic oils on the forehead from a specific height, for a specific time period in a continuous stream, allowing the oil to run through the scalp and down into the hair.

The aim of Shirodhara is to induce a relaxed state of awareness that results in a Dynamic Pyschosomactic balance

It even enhances the function of the central nervous system, treats diseases like anxiety, depression, and mental fatigue and bestows a whole new experience to the mind and body.

Shirodhara is a traditional ayurvedic method of healing, that has been in use since ancient times to bring the mind, body and soul to a harmonious level. Touted as one of the most purifying and rejuvenating treatments, this therapy is designed in such a way that it not only eliminates the harmful AMA toxins from the body but also relieves stress, gets rid of mental exhaustion and treat a host of disorders.


  • Pacifies vata/Pitta dosha
  • Improves vision, Hearing and Nasal Health
  • Relieves from Anxiety and Nervousness
  • Control Hair Fall and Dandruff
  • Improves concentration
  • PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Balances Hormonal Imbalances
  • Improves memory and Sleep
  • Treats Migraine and Headache
  • EnchanceCongnitive Abilities
  • Treats Neurological and Mental Disorders
  • Exfoliating dead skin cells
  • Transporting Lymphatic Fluids
  • Enhances Sleep Quality
  • Treats Hypertension


  • Nervous disorder
  • Insomnia
  • Mental stress
  • Anxiety
  • Migraine
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Hypertension

DURATION : The divine relaxation therapy stretches for 45-60 minutes per sitting.

DURATION : Shirodhara can be done for a minimum of 7 days to a maximum of 28 days.


TakraDhara is one of the forms of Shirodhara, which involves pouring medicated butter milk gently over the head. Takradhara is different from shirodhara in terms of the liquid poured on the head. Medicated butter milk with blend of herbs is poured gently.

Takra means butter milk, the diluted version of curd and Dhara means flow! This therapy is performed very similar to Shirodhara. Ayurveda always insists of taking butter milk which has a cooling and soothing effect on the body with additional benefits, rather than eating curd, which is somewhat hot.

TakraDhara is the best therapy those suffer from aggravated vatadoshai.e air element. Generally the therapy is performed continuously for 7 to 21 days based on the effect of the imbalanced vata element as well the impact of the diseases.


While it resembles Shirodhara, the benefits of TakraDhara are a bit different. It is an excellent therapy to fight against fatigue, nervous weakness, poor vitality and anorexia. Besides, it cures all foot related conditions like cracks, burning, itching of feet, etc. It improves the sense organs. Also, it is highly recommended for diabetic neuropathy.

Takradhara helps to stabilises the mind and improve the transmission of nerve impulses by increasing Acetylcholine (ACH) which act as a mediator between impulses.It reduces the speed of neuro transmitters i.e the state of deep relaxation.


  • Stress
  • Hypertension
  • Chronic Insomnia
  • Migraines
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Paralysis
  • Depression
  • Ear & nose diseases
  • Spondylitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Pitta aggravated diseases
  • Vata predominant diseases
  • Diabetic neuropathy

DURATION : 1 hr or as planned by Ayurvedic physician. Can be combined with Abhyanga/Massage


Sarvangakashayadhara is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy used to treat various ailments like inflammatory conditions, infectious conditions, skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, leukoderma, urticarial), sports injury, Musculo-skeletal disorders etc.

“Sarvanga” mean whole body and “dhara” means pouring. SarvangaKashayaDhara is a process in which medicated decoction is poured over the whole body maintaining a specific height, rhythm and temperature, performed by two qualified therapist, which is being prescribed by an Ayurvedic consultant in a systematic way




  • Improves circulation to the skin
  • Reduces skin inflammation
  • Helps to reduce itching sensation all over body
  • Reduces skin dryness
  • Helps to heal the wounds
  • Acts as antibacterial therapy


  • Psoriasis
  • Pigmentation
  • Dry skin
  • Circulatory problems
  • Urticarial
  • Inflammation
  • Eczema
  • Sports injuries
  • Body ache
  • Rejuvenation
  • Sprain
  • Chronic pains
  • Insomnia
  • Vitiligo
  • Varicose ulcer
  • Wounds
  • Diabetic foot
  • Nail infection

TREATMENT DURATION : 40 mins – 45 mins

TREATMENT COURSE DURATION : 7 days, 14 days, 21 days


DhanyamlaDhara is a special kind of Ayurvedic massage therapy in which warm herbal liquid is poured from a hung vessel over the affected parts of the body. During this treatment, a mixture is prepared from cereals (Dhanya) and vinegar (Amla) obtained from citrus fruits. Horse gram, sliced fruits, Navara rice and millets are blended in pieces of linen and then immersed in a large water pot. The water is then boiled for a specific duration during which the extracts from the mixture leach in the pot to form vinegar. The therapy using this liquid is known as DhanyamlaDhara in the world of Ayurveda


  • Reducing any inflammation, stiffness, or pain that affects the joints
  • Strengthening the body
  • Eliminating any toxins in the body
  • Relaxing the muscles
  • Promoting nourishment and a healthy lifestyle
  • The DhanyamlaDhara is considered the best antioxidant treatment
  • Reduces any body aches


  • Rheumatic arthritis.
  • Inflammatory conditions Muscular sprain.
  • Arthritis.
  • Obesity.
  • Thyroidism.
  • Chronic fever

TREATMENT DURATION : 45 mins – 60 mins


SarvangaKsheeradhara is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy used to treat various ailments like inflammatory conditions, Musculo-skeletal disorders, neurological disorders, skin disorders, Diabetic neuropathy, Psychological disorders, sports injury etc.

“Sarvanga” mean whole body and “dhara” means pouring. SarvangaKsheeraDhara is a process in which medicated milk is poured over the whole body maintaining a specific height, rhythm and temperature, performed by two qualified therapist, which is being prescribed by an Ayurvedic consultant in a systematic way


  • Prevents muscles wasting and degeneration of bones
  • Helps to reduce inflammation of joints
  • Provides strength to muscle tissues
  • Relieves pain, stiffness of the joints
  • Increases vasodilation and brings lightness to the joints and muscles.
  • Increases flexibility of the joints


  • Osteo-arthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Inflammation
  • Eczema
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Sports injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Psoriasis
  • Rejuvenation
  • Gouty Arthritis
  • Stress
  • Eczema
  • Leukoderma

TREATMENT DURATION : 40 mins – 45 mins


Pouring of medicated herbal decoction along with dipping of feet’s in the herbal water helps in body relaxation. It is one of the ayurvedictreatment which helps relieving heel pain and related stress to the feets, also helps in pain associated with Calcaneal Spur. This procedure is preceded by an herbal oil massage to the feet’s and legs. It also soothes the nervous system.





  • Relaxes and Revitalises the nervous system
  • Removes fatigue of the lower limb
  • Helps in treating pain due to Calcaneal Spur
  • Promotes quality sleep
  • Soothes nervous systems