Pichu therapy, named after the medicated cloth fold applied on the patient during treatment, is a palliative measure. It is extensively used for the remediation of cranial nerve disorders caused by Vata imbalances. Based on the patient’s requirements and ailments, it can also be used for neck, spine, hip, chest, knee, and shoulder.

For the treatment, wool or cotton cloth is folded to the thickness of one’s palm, dipped in warm medicated oils, and placed on the patient. More oil is dripped until the Pichu is soaked. It is then replaced and the procedure is repeated.

Shiro Pichu

It is also a simple procedure of applying oil to the vertex using a cotton pad impregnated with oil or herbal medicine I known as shiropichu.



It is helpful in Hair fall, splitting of hair, burning sensation of the scalp, stiffness of the eye etc.

DURATION : 30 mins

Kati Pichu

Similar procedure as above but applying oil to the back region using a cotton pad impregnated with oil or herbal medicine called katipichu..


It is helpful in curing alignment of back region.

DURATION : 30 mins

Yoni Pichu

Yoni Pichu (pichu means “cotton ball”) is a treatment in Indian Ayurvedic medicine where a sterile cotton swab or cotton tampon, soaked in medicated oil (with often at least sesame oil) or ghee (Indian clarified butter), is kept inside the vagina for a specific period of time.

It’s a treatment modality used to combat a variety of gynecological diseases and discomforts in females


  • uterine prolapse
  • bladder prolapse
  • rectal prolapse
  • post-menopausal vaginal dryness
  • painful sexual intercourse
  • certain types of recurrent miscarriage
  • certain inflammations
  • Certain types of infertility.

DURATION : 30 mins