Nasayam is a process where in the medicated  herbal oils, juices or powders are administered through the Nostrils. It works specifically on disorders of ear, nose and throat. Nasya is one among the five Panchakarma therapies. It is especially desirable for diseases of parts above the base of the neck and the Nose is the gateway of the head is highly effective in curing a number of disease pertaining to the Head.The therapy cleanse and opens the channel of the head thereby improving the process of oxygenation which has a direct influence on the functioning of Brain.




  • Cleanses, Purifies, strengthens and Clears the Nasal passage
  • Improves Skin complexion
  • Promotes Mental health
  • Improves vision
  • Boosting immunity
  • Promotes good Sleep
  • Hair fall and  Premature Greying of hair
  • Rhinitis and Other Nasal Infections


  • Migraine
  • Sinusitis
  • Cold & Chest congestion
  • Cervical spondylosis
  • ENT related problems
  • Neurological condition
  • Facial palsy
  • Hemiplegia
  •  Congestion
  •  Allergies
  • Headaches
  •  cervical spondylosis

DURATION : 30 mins – 45 mins